@Vote4Lanzer Profile Picture Lanzer Lance M. Robinson for Louisiana Governor Vote4Lanzer

Please review the attached links and click to read speculative news at Ebonicle Chronicle as I work to reveal more speculative happenings in Louisiana and our Nation as a Candidate and hopeful Elected Governor for Louisiana.  Please share with the press and professional fact checkers that share witnesses of these happenings for their safety and security.  Please share my candidacy as I hope to obtain your vote blogging through until assets are obtained from the Democratic Party and my Poverty Seed is collected. I appreciate your support. All giving is willful giving only.  Sponsorship is willful giving without submissionate services to follow.  Toy Chest #82-3731008 sponsored my Candidate Fees.   View Governors Announcement Letter to Review.

Campaign Donations / Donor Rules


December 16, 2023 is fast approaching. Read all press releases to catch up.

Willful Givers only. No submissionate services offered at all. Donations start at $1,000.00. Walmart, Sam's Club, Costco, Visa, MasterCard, Dollar General, Albertsons, Cannatas, & Super Target Cash Gift Cards are immediately requested due to food & products tampering. Corporate Gift Cards Only. No Actual Food Deliveries pls... Cash & Gift card Assets only. Bank Account blocking in place & will have a problem cashing any check. No checks! My bank account is with Green Dot Bank & in my Ethics Proof Folder on Dropbox.Ship all assets FedEx Signature only to 206 Riverside Drive, Berwick, Louisiana 70342 to Toy Chest c/o Lanzer Lance M. Robinson where most needed willful gift. Events if able will be announced. No promises offered. Meetings will start when transportation and all poverty seed assets and requests inclusive to offices/hotels/event spaces are delivered. I look forward to hopefully seeing Louisiana citizens about and around each town. Money Orders and Certified Checks can be made payable to Toy Chest. Toy Chest is our candidacy donor and will power our campaign to change Louisiana. Toy Chest is our 501(c)(3) IRS approved organization often denied by many and can barely thrive in Louisiana due to the wrong leaders, attorneys, businessmen, and their people of interests in power. This campaign will work with the FBI and all Federal Auditors to cleanse Louisiana control. The Ethics, Ethics Boars, DNC, State DNC Party, and more received/ possibly reviewed the email that has been notified that every donation will be allocated at our decision miscellaneously and reported as miscellaneous expenses after winning Louisiana Governor. Transportation request has been issued to many. Miscellaneously is considered open source funding to help power our campaign where most needed. As we earmark monies, where most needed, please volunteer your support without promise in sight. 

Please mail giving to:

FedEx Signature Only No products just Corporate Gift Cards or Money Orders.

Toy Chest, c/o Lanzer Robinson Willful Giving, 206 Riverside Drive, Berwick, Louisiana 70342

Toy Chest - #82-3731008

Public Transparency Notice:

Ethics Proof Folder 1 Dropbox + CAMPAIGN PRESS RELEASES FOLDER 1 is FULL unfortunately.  I could not afford a subscription.

Ethics Proof Folder 2 Dropbox + CAMPAIGN PRESS RELEASES FOLDER 2 is available with accessible links below.  

I do have the following emails linked to Dropboxes:

lanzer4governor (at) gmail (dot) com


lanzer4governor2 (at) gmail (dot) com

State & Federal Review Phone Upload Full in this Box for Ethics & Public Records. Files exist on my private server to have duplicated back up.  Accessible through federal & State review. 

lanzer4governor3 (at) gmail (dot) com

New Ethics Proof Folder & CAMPAIGN PRESS RELEASES FOLDER 2 available and in working upload status for all to review: public, press, media, bloggers, & etc. 

lanzer4governor4 (at) gmail (dot) com

New Ethics Proof Folder Governor's Candidacy 2024 and New Press Folder Governor's Candidacy 2024 available for all to review. 

Questions, email by click ✉️ button below. 

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